SAFF 2013 pictures

Here are some pictures during Nepals game in SAFF championship 2013.

Samsung Galaxy S4- the most innovative phone

With all those features, I am sure this is gonna be an iPhone Killer and speculate new innovations and censor controls in new smartphones to come.

Top Ten unbelievable incidents in Narayan Gopal's Life.

Swor Samrat Narayan Gopal's name needs no introduction to all the Nepali out there. A legend in the Modern Music's first generation (Adhunik Geet yug) was borned today, (Oct 4) in the year 1939. Marking his birth anniversary, I am here to post top ten unknown incidents in his life (taken from film maker/writer Prakash Sayami).

Top Ten Movies of all time

I always want to read top tens in everything until now that I have started writing top ten stuffs in my blog.In this post, I am putting my own best Movies of all time. These movies are not only in the top of my favorite lists, but also are the greatest movies of all time in the history of Cinema.

CG to enter into telecom sector

Chaudhary Group, one of the biggest business house of Nepal (popular for electronic products and food/beverages) is all set to enter the telecom market with the brand name CG tel.

Jun 29, 2015

Draft of New Constitution of Nepal ready

Breaking News: Due to the differences in some of the provisions in the new constitutions preliminary draft, the drafting committee failed to submit the draft to full CA meeting yesterday. Now that such issues raised by UCPN Maoists are settled by editing some and removing Multiparty parliamentary democracy and the Local election within six months of constitution promulgation, the edited first draft is submitted today in the evening. Following the submission in full CA meeting, some of the lawmakers from Madhesi parties and RPP-Nepal who were...

Jun 8, 2015

Disaster led consensus among four parties for New constitution in Nepal.

Breaking News: Four Political parties have forged a consensus to resolve the contentious issues of the new constitution, today in the late hours. They have even inked 16 point deal to move the nations politics in constitution making process in this difficult situation (Post Earthquake). It is known that they have agreed for the number of the provinces to be eight, name to be decided by two thirds of the CA and the demarcation to be decided by a Federal Commission. The central legislative is known to be of bicameral whereas that of federal legislative...

Jun 2, 2015

How to take a photo sphere?

June 02, 2015: After posting some sphere photos in social medias, I have been getting request from people, to tell them the process to take photo sphere. Though I am not that perfect in this, I would like to share the process for taking the photo sphere. At first all you need a smartphone with Google camera app on it. (available in Android Playstore and Apple store). Open the google camera app in your mobile. Slide right in the screen and click the photo sphere icon. Hold your phone vertically and keep the closest comfortable distance...

Jun 1, 2015

My fascination with Dharahara (with Pictures).

May 12, 2015: When I first heard (immediately after the mega-quake on Baishak 12) that the tallest monument (tower) in our Kathmandu is no more, I hardly believed my friends word and asked not to make fun in this traumatic situation. Actually I had no idea of the level of devastation that time as I was out of Kathmandu city, though I had felt the tremor inside a vehicle and even had a narrow escape as big rocks fell in the highway near to the point where we got out. When the devastation was confirmed from online news portals after half an...